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Client: ECI Group

World-leading specialist LDPE and HP copolymer expertis.e

The ECI Group, made up of ECI, Simon Carves Engineering and ITEC, is a multi-disciplinary provider of engineering services to clients all around the world.

New technologies are emerging at faster than ever rates and changing many industries beyond recognition. At the same time environmental challenges are becoming more and more pressing. With so much happening, the Group felt it needed a new website that would show its awareness of these issues and commitment to taking action.

Client: ECI Group

World-leading specialist LDPE and HP copolymer expertise

The ECI Group, made up of ECI, Simon Carves Engineering and ITEC, is a multi-disciplinary provider of engineering services to clients all around the world.

New technologies are emerging at faster than ever rates and changing many industries beyond recognition. At the same time environmental challenges are becoming more and more pressing. With so much happening, the Group felt it needed a new website that would show its awareness of these issues and commitment to taking action.

HTP were briefed to develop a site that would highlight three key aspects of the Group’s activities.

  • Their advanced high-pressure polyethylene expertise incorporating state-of-the-art features and technologies. ECI have engineered over 50% of the world’s large-scale polymer plants in the last ten years.
  • Their commitment to technological development spearheaded by ITEC, the Group’s International Technical Excellence Centre.
  • Their commitment to sustainability. The Group has recently signed an agreement to license and market Wilson Biochemical’s pioneering new waste processing system that turns garbage into green fuel. Wilson is a UK company.

HTP worked from technical notes supplied by the client. At the same time we carried out a considerable amount of our own research. We brought together a very diverse range of information, technologies and services, gave them all a common look and feel via striking images and graphics – and at the same time we made pages easy to take in at a glance whilst still providing plenty of detailed technical facts and figures for those wanting to drill down.