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Client: Method Consulting,
John Radcliffe Echocardiography Unit

Client: Method Consulting

Web Design Manchester by HTP

Web Design Manchester

Design in marketing has one purpose – to communicate your brand. Strengthening and emphasising your campaign message, design plays an essential role in your marketing effort.

Design evokes emotion. It can be psychologically compelling. And it is what influences people most.

Research shows that 94% of critical first impressions are design related. Created a bad first impression and potentials customers will simply vanish in l second.


of first impressions are design related

Content as always is extremely important. But research shows that it’s the look, feel and above all the design of a site that has an immediate impact.

Many factors

First impressions depend on many factors. Is the design distinctive? Is it fresh and different? Is the use of colour, spacing, symmetry and fonts good? Is the text quick to read or too long?

At HTP we have extensive experience of producing work that consistently gets a good first resonse, stimulates interest, conveys relevant information quickly and easily and gets visitors to explore a site’s pages.

Design in marketing has one purpose – to communicate your brand. Strengthening and emphasising your campaign message, design plays an essential role in your marketing effort.

Design evokes emotion. It can be psychologically compelling. And it is what influences people most.

Research shows that 94% of critical first impressions are design related. Create a bad first impression and potential customers will simply vanish in a second.

Web Design Manchester

Web Design Manchester by HTP


of first impressions are design related

HTP Web Developers

Many factors

First impressions depend on many factors. Is the design distinctive? Is it fresh and different? Is the use of colour, spacing, symmetry and fonts good? Is the text quick to read or too long?

At HTP we have extensive experience of producing work that consistently gets a good first resonse, stimulates interest, conveys relevant information quickly and easily.

What website visitors say they don’t like

(Results based on a UK study)

  • Complex design
  • Busy layout
  • Pop-up ads and panels
  • Slow introduction
  • Small print
  • Too much text
  • Corporate look and feel
  • Poor search functionality

What website visitors say they don’t like

(Results based on a UK study)

  • Complex design
  • Busy layout
  • Pop-up ads and panels
  • Slow introduction
  • Small print
  • Too much text
  • Corporate look and feel
  • Poor search functionality