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Client: The University of Manchester

The Square Kilometre Array: the world’s largest radio telescope under construction to probe the origins of the universe

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) features novel and potentially breakthrough technology created by The University of Manchester School of Electric and Electronic Engineering.

The Array is a highly ambitious international project to build the world’s largest radio telescope located in the Australia and South Africa. The telescope’s goal – to transform our understanding of the universe and deliver benefits to society.

HTP were asked to develop a 3D animation sequence that would clearly and simply get across the fundamental structure of the Array, which researchers were finding difficult to explain with plans and CAD drawings.

Using CAD drawings as a starting point, we developed a storyboard and script that we presented to the University’s lead researcher on the project.

This turned into a collaborative process involving HTP and the researcher working together to adjust the storyboard to ensure it was technically correct and communicating all the right messages.

The final 3D animation – a highly successful overview of the technology at a very early stage of its development. The sequence, which lasted just over a minute, was used in countless international presentations. The Array is now under construction and is due to be completed in 2028.