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Launch of new crane into offshore energy sector

Helping to turn a technically innovative product into an international brand

After an extensive R&D programme, Granada Material Handling had developed an innovative new crane for use on offshore wind turbines – a vital piece of equipment in a rapidly-expanding sector.

The Python Foundation Davit Crane had been designed to meet very specific offshore energy requirements and was starting to pick up sales. If the crane was to make serious advances, strong communication was now needed to get across its technologies and capabilities together with Granada’s technical credentials.

At this point HTP were briefed to develop and communication programme that would significantly raise the both the Python’s and Granada’s profile with international wind turbine companies.

HTP response

We developed a new website, designed new print work and undertook a programme of press releases and technical articles, all giving particular emphasis to the offshore energy sector. The ability of the Python to operate in some of the world’s most extreme environments was stressed in all communication and supported by strong photography showing severe weather.

All material was strongly branded and technical evidence supported everything that was being said. The use of strtiking infographics helped us to get across technical messages in a clear, simple way. As part of stage two of our work we also branded the industry-leading software developed by Granada to provide 24/7 access to vital offshore and onshore lifting equipment data.


Python Cranes have become a leading offshore brand and Granada, through its offshore initiatives, has seen its international sales grow by some 98%, an achievement reflected in its high Sunday Times Fast Track ranking.