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The brief

Launch an innovative new crane developed to meet the very specific needs of offshore wind farms.

We started working for Granada just as the offshore wind farm industry was in the process of establishing itself. The Granada team saw this as a big opportunity: wind turbines require lifting equipment of a particular kind. But to take advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves, Granada first needed a product.

An initiative with an ambitious objective was now set in motion: to design a specialist offshore crane that would withstand working in some extremely harsh environments.

In R&D: a new product for a new industry about to take off


We started working for Granada just as the offshore wind farm industry was in the process of establishing itself. The Granada team saw this as a big opportunity: wind turbines require lifting equipment of a particular kind. But to take advantage of the opportunities presenting themselves, Granada first needed a product.

An initiative with an ambitious objective was now set in motion: to design a specialist offshore crane that would withstand working in some extremely harsh environments.

A new strategy. The decision was made to re-position Granada as a company at the very forefront of technological change and management effectiveness with expertise across the automotive, aerospace, construction and offshore sections. This is when HTP were appointed.

HTP response

We responded to this strategy with a new website, new print work, press releases, articles and other material, all giving particular emphasis to offshore, where we stressed Granada’s design, manufacture and installation expertise, robust, long-life solutions and full life-cycle support – factors critical to success in this industry.

All material was strongly branded and technical evidence supported everything that was being said. The use of striking infographics helped us to get across technical messages in a clear, simple way.

Onwards and upwards: over 1000 Python cranes now in operation worldwide


Granada has gone from what was essentially an engineering company to a centre of excellence and innovation. Python Cranes have become a leading offshore brand and Granada, through its offshore initiatives, has seen its international sales grow by some 98%, an achievement reflected in its high Sunday Times Fast Track ranking.