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Harnessing the power of print in a digital age

A strong brand identity can help you stand out from your competitors, add value to what you are offering and help you engage with people interested in your products or services. All of which, if handled well, will give you a vital competitive edge.

We have helped numerous clients achieve their business objectives by strengthening their branding and marketing – you can read about some of them by going to case studies. We would be pleased to help you.

Harnessing the power of print in a digital age

Everybody predicted that the digital age would mean the end of print. But print has fought back, to the point that today it has regained a lot of the ground it lost.

So what is print’s still potent appeal? Four key factors seem to be at play.


A brochure sticks around

Brochures get picked up. Frequently they are browsed again and again. Not so with digital material, which can easily get lost in our endless scrolling and the daily digital blasts we all receive.


Our brains, it seems, prefer print

According to TrueImpact, a Canadian neuro-marketing company, print requires 21% less cognitive effort to read and process than digital media. The company also found that recall of information provided by print is 70% higher than that provided digitally.


People are tactile

They like to browse and handle tactile things. Print is tangible, it can have a great feel with intricate designs and vibrant colours.


Print is greener

Everybody assumes that digital is greener than print.

In fact, keeping all of our digital data flowing devours 2% of the global electricity supply – and that’s predicted to rise to 8% in the next ten years, a level that will put it on par with the airline industry.

The pulp, print and paper industry, on the other hand, accounts for 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions, making it one of the lowest of all industrial emitters.

It doesn’t have to be either/or, of course – but whatever the combination, print is definitely greener than digital.

Print and digital in tandem

We’re finding that many of our clients are now moving towards using print and digital in tandem.

This is a move that took us a little by surprise but which is opening up some interesting opportunities both to improve marketing effectiveness and explore new creative possibilities.

We’d be pleased to talk to you about how print and digital can work together to enhance your marketing activities.

Print and digital in tandem

We’re finding that many of our clients are now moving towards using print and digital in tandem.

This is a move that took us a little by surprise but which is opening up some interesting opportunities both to improve marketing effectiveness and explore new creative possibilities.

We’d be pleased to talk to you about how print and digital can work together to enhance your marketing activities.