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Design and marketing services for the science, technology, professional services and construction sectors

Helping companies gain a vital competitive edge in increasingly challenging marketplaces

Client: Encapsulite International Linear Lighting

Creating online impact for Encapsulite’s innovative lighting solutions

Client: Encapsulite International Linear Lighting

Creating online impact for Encapsulite’s innovative lighting solutions

Client: European Geophysical

Bringing geo-expertise to life

Client: Granada Cranes

Highlighting innovative onshore and offshore technologies

Client: Graphene Institutel

Overview of the Institute’s pioneering research

Client: Sliders UK

Ultra-realistic 3D renderings for leading door manufacturer

New website increases traffic
for HTP client by


during the first week

Hi-lighting how Artificial Inteligence is helping dentists

HTP Media Relations is helping to raise the profile of Manchester Imaging’s pioneering new AI software in leading dental journals


page 1 position 1 search engine
rankings for HTP client

Design and marketing services for the science, technology, professional services and construction sectors

Helping companies gain a vital competitive edge in increasingly challenging marketplaces