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Digital Marketing,
3D Animation,
Design and PR

Visualising the world’s largest radio telescope through 3D animation

Launch of innovative virtual reality medical training software

Highlighting a major new nuclear research programme

Encapsulite Lighting: transforming interior and exterior spaces

Explaining futuristic technology before it has gone into production

Overview of how the National Graphene Institute is taking graphene from the lab to real-world solutions

Launch of innovative new Zephyrus medical syringe

Digital Marketing, 3D Animation,
Design and PR

HTP Digital is an international digital marketing agency based in Manchester. We work principally but not exclusively with organisations in the science and technology sectors.

Our clients range from start-ups to multi-national corporations. We get to the very essence of difficult, often complex subjects, then turn the insights we have gained into compelling narratives, striking visuals and distinctive identities.